Menu Restoranti

Supat / Soups

-Supë  me perime(patate,karrota,kunguj)                                                      300

-Soup with vegetables

-Supë me krem kungulli                                                                               300

Soup with  pumpkin

-Supë  pule                                                                                                  350

Chicken soup

-Supë me domate                                                                                         250

Tomato soup



Sallatat   /   Salads


Sallate Floga  (aisberg,kerpudha,jeshile,radikio,pomodorini,avocado)                         520

Floga’s Salad (,iceberg,green salad,mushrooms,chery tomatoes,avocado)

Sallatë me avokanto,kërpudha të fresketa,pomodorini                                   530

Salad with avocado,fresh mushrooms,and cherry tomatoes

Sallatë  evla(aisberg,indivia,kunguj zgare,rukola,salcë gorgonxola, bajame)  480

Salad evla (icebearg lettuce,indiv,grill pumpkin, Arugula salad,gorgonxola,and nuts)

Sallatë  cooklook rukola,jeshile,domate te thara,                                           480

Cook and look Salad (Arugula salad,green salad,dried tomatoes,bacon)

Sallatë me rukola                                                                                         480

Arugula salad

Sallatë me spinaq,proshutë  dhe vezë                                                            520

Spinach salad with bacon and egg

Sallatë Xaxiq                                                                                              170



Specialitete me perime / Vegetable specialties

Speca të mbushur me djathë                                                                         400

Filled peppers with white cheese                                            

Role patëllxhani me domate dhe djath                                                           270

Baking-pan with eggplant,cheese and tomato

Byrek Shtepie                                                                                              250

Traditional pie Byrek

Kërpudha zgare                                                                                           580

Mushrooms at Grill

Qofte me perime                                                                                         280

Vegetables rissole

Perime zgare / Grilled vegetables                                                                400

Antipaste perimesh per dy persona                                                             1200



Risotto valentine / Valentine rice with pomegrade and spinach……………………………………..630

Rissotto me kerpudha &gorgonxola / Rice with  fresh mushrooms and gorgonxola…………..640

Risotto me fileto pule / Rice with  chicken……………………………………………………………………680


Pasta me kunguj pancetë pomodorini                                        550

Pasta with pumpkin,bacon,cherry tomatoes

Pasta me spinaq dhe karrota                                                     560

Pasta with spinach and carrots.

Pasta me fileto pule dhe gorgonxola                      `                   560

Pasta with chicken and gorgonzola.

Penne me 4 djathrat                                                                  460

Penne with 4 cheese.

Pasta me fileto dhe speca(fileto, speca,salce)                             560

Pasta with filet and peppers

Pasta me domate te thata dhe bajame                                        590

Pasta with dried tomatoes and nuts  


Mishra dhe specialitete / Meat and Specialties

Brinjë vici  /  Grilled veal ribs                                                                                             1700

Berxollë vici /  Grilled veal chops                                                                                        1700

Brinjë gici / Grilled pork ribs                                                                                                850

Biftek vici  /  Veal thin cut beefsteak                                                                                  1700

Fileto vici  /  Grilled veal fillet                                                                                            2500

Eskallop me rukola,gorgonxola/Pan seared scallop  with rocket and gorgonzola                   1370

Eskallop me domate dhe djathë /Pan seared scallop with tomatoes and cheese                    1370

Gic furre  /  Pork in oven                                                                                                     980

Shpatull  vici furre  /  Veal roast                                                                                        1900

Fileto vici ala Floga  /  Ala Floga’s fillet with vegies                                                            2500

Fileto pule /Chicken fillet                                                                                                     850


 Ëmbëlsira/ Sweets


Gliko tradicionale përmetare / Traditional jam from Permeti                                                 200

Panakota / Panacota                                                                                                            250 


Pijet / Drinks

 Kafe  Espresso / Espresso Coffee                                                                    80

Kakao , / Cocoa,                                                                                            100

Salep                                                                                                             150

Caj të ngrohtë mali / Tea                                                                                100

Coca cola,Fanta,Bravo,etj / Coca cola etc (soft drinks)                                   200

Ujë qelqi / Natural Water                                                                               270

Ujë I gazuar / Sparkling water                                                                        270

Glina e vogel                                                                                                  200

Tonic Water                                                                                                   200

Birrë kriko / Craft beer                                                                                   200

Birrë kriko 0.5 / Craft Beer 0.5                                                                       300

Heineken                                                                                                       200

Birrë pa alkol / Alcohol free beer                                                                    250

Raki Rushi / Grapes raki                                                                                100

Raki shtepie / Raki                                                                                        200

Gin,Vodka,Metaxa,Amaro                                                                              250


Verërat / Wine


Verë e hapur 1 L                                                                                          1300

Vere e hapur 0.5 L                                                                                         650

Shishe Përmeti                                                                                             2200

Luna                                                                                                           3700

Picini                                                                                                          3500

Mavrud Leskoviku                                                                                      2700

Rinforzo                                                                                                     3900



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